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IELTS Registration 2023: Guide to Book IELTS Exam in India

A standardised test that evaluates your reading, writing, listening, and writing abilities is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). IELTS Registration 2023 - Check all available IELTS test dates and register for your IELTS exam online with AspireGlobalEducation. You must show your English language ability in order to study in any English-speaking country, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. IELTS is used to do this.

The IELTS exam is accepted by about 10,000 educational institutions worldwide. This test is essential for evaluating if you qualify for further study at universities abroad. We provide a thorough overview of the IELTS application process, prerequisites, registration process, IELTS test formats, and helpful advice from our IELTS experts in this blog.

IELTS - Why is it required?

You should take the IELTS for three reasons.

1. You want to study abroad as a student: Every school and university uses English as its main language of instruction. IELTS is required during admissions because schools and organisations must guarantee that students can understand the subject matter and communicate effectively with professors and peers. Additionally, your IELTS results show how prepared you are for study abroad.

2. You're moving abroad to work: For working professionals, all the instructions are in English. Your meetings, training, and communications will all be in English, so learning the language will help you finish the job quickly and efficiently. Any company's primary goal is to prevent linguistic barriers from impairing your production. A wonderful method to demonstrate your command of the language is to perform well on your IELTS exam.

3. You're relocating overseas to launch a business: You will need to communicate with the locals, who most likely speak English, if you move abroad to start a new firm and settle there. The IELTS exam evaluates your overall reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities so you can get a sense of how well you'll perform. The exam is required so that you can fit in well in an English-speaking nation.

Who takes the IELTS test?

The three organisations that jointly own and run the examination are:

  • International Development Program (IDP)

  • British Council

  • Cambridge English for Speakers of Other languages (ESOL)

For IELTS registration, Indians frequently use the IDP and the British Council.

Types of IELTS

IELTS Academic Training

As the name implies, most applicants for higher education choose to take this exam. Students are accessed through IELTS Academic in a classroom setting. Your academic needs will be the main topic of the reading and writing portions of the test. This test is open to both professionals and students.

IELTS General Training

The majority of people who choose this training programme are professionals, immigrants, students in general education courses, etc. The fundamental comprehension of the English language is given more attention in General Training.

There are differences between the reading and writing portions of these two kinds of exams. The speaking and listening sections, however, are the same for both. A reading and listening test would come after a writing test. On the same day, the three tests would each be administered one after the other. You can choose to take the speaking test a week before or after the other sections, though.

Read our blog post on the IELTS speaking test tips for comprehensive information about them and to determine which is best for you.

IELTS Examination Format

IELTS can be taken in one of two ways, and when registering for the test, you can select your preferred method. The only difference between the two modes is how the test is administered; both have identical structures and assessment systems. For easier comprehension, the descriptions of each mode are provided below.

Paper-based Test

There are up to 48 days a year when you can take the IELTS exam on paper. To guarantee they acquire their preferred test centres and time windows, candidates must schedule their exams in advance. Results for tests administered on paper are typically released 13 days after the test date.

Computer-based Test

Every day of the week and three times every day, the computer-based IELTS test is administered. Computer-delivered tests often have their results available in three to five days. This is therefore better suited to students who have imminent college application deadlines.

The listening portion of this test is 10 minutes shorter than the paper-based portion, which is the main difference. The extra 10 minutes are given to you after the listening phase so you can transfer your responses to the official answer transcript, which is the reason. However, the computer-based test enables picking and marking responses immediately on the screen throughout the test, negating the need for additional time.

Requirements for IELTS Registration

IELTS registration is simple because there aren't any rigid guidelines to follow. Before registering, you should bear a few things in mind.

Here is a short list.

  • You must be older than 16 and have a current passport.

  • You will require a consent document from your guardian if you are under the age of 18.

  • The details provided on the application must correspond to those on the passport.

  • On the day of the exam, you must have a valid ID and passport with you.

IELTS Registration Process

IELTS applications can be submitted online or offline. Here is a fast guide to completing your IELTS registration. The two procedures are straightforward.

IELTS Registration: Online

The online procedure is simple to do from the convenience of your home. It is also the technique of IELTS registration that is most popular. To register online, adhere to the procedures below.

  • visit the British Council website or the official IELTS IDP website.

  • Choose your favourite examination method from the available options (Paper-Based or Computer-based).

  • Choose from the Academic and General test types.

  • Choose the city in which you wish to take the test.

  • Choose the exam date and the time period that works best for you.

  • Read and agree to the council's terms and conditions.

  • Create an account by completing the online form.

  • Choose a payment method after completing the form.

  • Complete the online payment.

  • Don't forget to write down the registration number, ID, and password.

Your online IELTS registration is now complete.

IELTS Registration: Offline

If for some reason you are unable to register online, you can still register for IELTS offline. The only difference between this approach and online registration is that all information must be entered by hand. Here is a guide on how to register offline.

  • IELTS registration paperwork may be downloaded from the official website.

  • Choose the test day and time of your choice.

  • Fill out the registration form by hand. Don't forget to include a courier-accessible address.

  • You can select one of the following procedures to finish the payment.

  • Make a Demand Draft (DD) payable to "British Council" in New Delhi.

  • Send a check or payment slip, along with the completed registration form, to the British Council after making a cash payment to the closest ICICI bank.

IELTS Registration Fee

​Type of IELTS Test

Cost (In INR)

Computer-delivered IELTS


Computer-delivered IELTS for UKVI


IELTS for UK Visa & Immigration


IELTS Life Skills A1 & B1


Pen & paper IELTS


Visit our blog for more information about the Vocabulary for IELTS and other topics:

India IELTS Exam centres



Bangalore-St. Marks Road













New Delhi-Nehru Place




New Delhi-Rajouri Garden

























Most prestigious universities abroad require applicants to have an IELTS score of seven or higher. It is best to start your planning early and pick your resources carefully if you want to satisfy this requirement. Your overall IELTS score is based on the results of the four components. It is best to either enroll in an IELTS training course or engage an IEpracticeLTS tutor to help you out.

Aspire Global Education offers comprehensive IELTS preparation to ensure the success of your study abroad experience. The IELTS masterclass from Aspire is jam-packed with practise exams, study guides, in-person classes, and more. To find out more, click here.

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